21 Jan 2019

What makes Cloint a unique task management system?

What makes Cloint a unique Task Management System

Cloint is a unique blend of Task Management Software, Task Tracking Software and Ticketing System. It efficiently handles the Organization’s task management and workflow management.

It not only handles the task management processes, it is a platform for inter-organizational communication and completely eliminates the need for redundant and tiresome emails!

Cloint’s motto is to harness the “Power of Productivity”. Cloint is here to help you save time and make your task management process streamlined.

1. Ticketing

Tickets in Cloint are like official ‘sticky – notes’ that tell an employee that some new work has been assigned to him/her.

Cloint can be termed as the best ticketing system since it not only assigns a ticket, but each ticket has a status attached to it. The entire life cycle of a ticket is dynamic and all manipulations made on a particular ticket are transparent.

Comments section of the tickets provides a proper channel of communication amongst employees. Everyone within Cloint can generate a ticket with a predefined priority

Cloint tickets are an effective solution for getting the basic day – to – day tasks completed in time.

Cloint 2. Task Assignment and Management

2. Task Assignment and Management

Cloint is a highly efficient Task Management System since it not only assigns tasks and deadlines, but it acts like a task tracking software that tracks the current status and shows the progress made so far.

Tasks are allotted by the ‘Administrator’, and these tasks are assigned along with a predefined priority and deadline.

3. Recurrent Task Assignment

Tasks that need to be repetitively performed within the organization can be classified as ‘Recurrent tasks’. Recurrent Task Assignment is one of the unique features of Cloint, and that makes it different from other task management apps.

All Recurrent tasks are predefined – they can be classified in daily, weekly, or monthly cycles and the system will auto-generate those tasks and assign them to the respective employees.

The Admin no longer has to worry about assigning these recurring tasks over and over again.

Cloint 4. Email Independent

4. Email Independent

We do not depend on Emails at all!

Cloint enables you to work without depending on emails for all your communication, and task management. Cloint is a task management software that gives you a complete track record of a particular ticket or task without having to go through several emails from different people.

Cloint makes the records of work look cleaner, easy to understand and track. This increases the efficiency of working and transparency of work processes within the organization.

5. To – Do List

All employees have their own ‘To – Do List’ that they maintain in order to keep a record of things they have to finish in a given time span.

Also, it acts like a calendar that sends the task on the Dashboard on the date assigned to it in the To – Do List.

The To – Do List acts like a personal assistant that reminds the employee about the pending task and is a place where the employees schedule their work.

Cloint 6. Hierarchy Formation

6. Hierarchy Formation

Inside Cloint, all employees follow a specific hierarchy. Every user is given rights and authorities as per his/her role and designation in the company.

Rights to modify are assigned accordingly, only a selective profiles are allowed to manipulate information on Cloint.

7. Notifications and Announcements

Cloint maintains a notification section with the complete list of notifications pertaining to the user, and that helps the user keep track of all the actions that he/she needs to take, all the tasks that he/she has to perform.

Announcements are made on Cloint, and all the employees receive these announcements – so, there is no need to send group emails and keep a track of whether everyone viewed the announcement or not.

Announcements can be scheduled beforehand, and will be displayed on the date specified. This makes it easy to finish off with all the well-known announcements that the Organization usually makes.

Cloint 8. Transparency

8. Transparency

Cloint is a Task Management System that is based on the concept of transparency. All the data generated regarding the tasks and tickets and any other communication that occurs over Cloint is stored securely and cannot be erased, not even by the Admin!

All the communication between employees, and the communication between the employees and the Admin, are stored securely and are visible to both the parties involved, at all times.

The observer for a ticket monitors the tasks performed on a particular ticket and all the comments are visible to all the employees involved with that ticket.

9. Request Management

Requests of all types including leave requests and special requests – that is a custom request made specifically by an employee – are handled over Cloint and all the related correspondence is followed within Cloint itself.

This saves a lot of time, and brings a well-defined protocol for request submission and request correspondence.

Cloint 10. Link between multiple branches

10. Link between multiple branches

Cloint not only handles a single branch or franchise of the Organization, it also supports inter – branch communication. An organization can have various branches/franchises across multiple locations, but Cloint connects them all together.

Employees from different branch locations can interact using Cloint and tasks can be allotted from one branch to another as well. This provides a common platform and a common Task Management System for the entire organization.